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The Benefits of Email Marketing for Bands

Email marketing is hands-down one of the most effective tools for turning audience members into buying customers. Music is no exception – a band is also a brand, and email marketing can help you develop that brand while delivering higher earnings from your music. Here are just a few benefits of email marketing for bands.

It's Cost-Effective

Email marketing is very often cheap or even free – MailChimp, for example, offers a superbly flexible pricing plan ranging from zero for total beginners all the way up to two hundred per month for highly successful companies or outfits. Some music sites also offer free email marketing tools for those who sign up as a fan and opt in to your mailing list.

It's Targeted Marketing

Because email marketing almost always involves opting in on the part of the recipient, you're guaranteed that whoever opts in wants to see whatever you're putting out. With non-targeted marketing, you'll be reaching part of your audience but not necessarily all of them, and it can be harder to build dedicated audiences; but using targeted marketing in tandem with non-targeted can help to build a more loyal audience, generate sales, and encourage greater sharing of your music.

It's Measurable

All email marketing platforms will track how many emails you send out, and either a percentage or explicit number of how many people have actually opened your email. While looking at these measurements can be discouraging (a lot of people will delete those kinds of emails without even looking at them), over time, if you're consistent and effective with your marketing efforts, you'll start to see that number increase – letting you know that your audience is engaged and interested.

It Keeps Your Fans Updated

Your fans want to know what you're up to and when they can expect new albums or tour dates. Email marketing is one of the best ways to accomplish this, especially if you have a lot of fans – not everyone will see Facebook or Twitter posts, but a well-named and organized email will update a huge part of your audience at once on when they can expect to see you live or when your next album will drop. Email marketing contributes to album pre-orders and direct sales, either online or at shows.

These are just a few of the reasons your band or act should be using email marketing as part of your marketing platform. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways of turning an audience into income – so no matter what platform you choose, consistently reaching out to your fans will result in greater financial success for your band for years to come.

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